this blog is inspired from my dad who's a health control freak..:D but in a good way though, who taught us alot in sickness and health. And its time to share it to everyone.. Sharing is Caring :D

Monday, October 29, 2012

Oh Daania

Ibu with morning sickness lying on the bed
Daania: ibu...nak susu
Ibu: ibu tak sihat la daania, mintak baba buat
Daania: Baba tgh main game...kesian baba tgh main game, kesian baba nanti tak dapat main game
Ibu: Ibu sakit...kesian ibu
Daania: takpeeee....ibu kuat
........huh...... Ni kes dah kow team ngn baba die nih :p

Lying on the sofa watching tv
Ibu: Daania nanti nak baby boy ke baby girl
Daania: baby girlll ( dgn pantasnye )
Ibu: Daania nak baby girl ke baby boy ( saje tanye balik bcos kids tend to answer based on our 2nd option in the question kan)
Daania: daania nak baby girl...nak colour pink!! colour purple!!
......haish budak ni..... Bajet ade color2 agaknye kluar with the baby...huhu

Daania oh daania..... U r really my sunshine eventhough it's the gloomest day of all

Friday, October 12, 2012

Good & Not So Good News

Confuse ke with my title this time..heee, saje ngade2.. I guess i have to skip my no.2 topic as mentioned in previous post, because i think i have to express this out. I prefer to express it here rather in my facebook page, my blog is like a little world with me in it while facebook is like the whole world is staring at me if i post anything..heeee...ngade2 kan

So funny today when i picked up my daania at her school, and her teacher told me that daania kept on telling her..."ibu ada baby"... Than if her teacher says "eh, ibu radin mane ada baby"..she'll answers back "eh..ada, ibu ada baby dalam perut" ...... Oohh anak ibu sorg ni..haha. So that's the good news, Alhamdulillah, im pregnant at 9 weeks now :)

I discovered i was pregnant couple weeks ago but doesn't have the time to do proper checkup at the hospital. This time im determine to have a muslimah gynea, and did a lot of research, few doctors were in my wish list suggested by family and friends and considering the hospital location into account. At last, ive chosed Dr. Siti Zaleha from Tawakkal KPJ, so last tuesday morning i called her clinic up to set appointment. She's among the patient die mmg ramai giler and i only manage get to meet her on the 9th october. Than, on that same tuesday afternoon i was chilling on my empuk sofa and suddenly feeling the rush to go to he restroom and than it previous nightmare came, i bleed! Dgn gabra n blur juga, i drove by myself to my previous gyne at DDMC without telling my husband till i reached there...i was afraid to go to tawakkal because im not familiar with their procedure. At the end of the day, my baby is ok.. Alhamdulillah! But no heartbeat yet...but its ok as the doc mentioned. He advice me to be extra carefull this time since that i have miscarriage history 6 months ago

That was last week, so this week on the 9th, ive met Dr. Siti for the first time. Such a nice, muslimah and motherly lady. I was so relax during the consultation.. ive told her everything since my last pregnancy till what happened last week. New inputs and motivation words were given and she suggested a procedure need to be done to be on the safe side since i had a miscarrieged during my 2nd trimester which she suspected my cervix is incompetence. She did and ultrasound, and there was the heartbeat...i was so blessed listening to it. She too told me to be extra carefull, jgn naik turun tangga sangat, drive , jgn stress, dont think too much of the bleeding during this first trimester. I was adviced to meet her again on the 12th weeks to check on my cervix condition.. Oh Allah, hopefully everything is normal.

At this moment, my challange is to drive pegi balik ofis hantar daania to taska which needs a lot of kudrat on my lower part of my body especially during traffic jams or daania tak nak bangun and i have to carry her to the car... Hey! Doc tak bagi buat semua ni lah!! But i have to...thanks to the 'brilliant' people in my department who posted my husband to Putrajaya! Among all those people who's been promoted, mr hubby i juga yang dia nak hantar ke sana... Such a bad timing with my current condition!! Oohh Allah, do ease my burden. Im actually tak kesah pun drive sendiri semua...but its just my health condition, kadang2 tengah drive pun pening2 and naussea...huuuu :( So my only way now is driving late to the office to skip all those hassle traffic jam, nak buat camner not taking any chances this time.. The first time i drove to the office which was that tuesday that i bleed, and also 2 days back.... I bleed again.. Alhamdulillah today im ok despite facing the traffic jam for almost 2 1/2 hours. Now once i reached home i'll be so tired, and daania pun sure mengamuk sebab i x layan dia, baba dia pun penat sebab naik motor all the way from putrajaya... So to sum up, now im totally exhausted, flat and stressfull and really need to sleep...only that my daania wont allow me to do so.....sighhh.

Ok ok, x moh stress stress. Im hoping to have a blessfull pregnancy this time and dipermudahkan segalanya. Hope everything goes well.....insyaAllah..amin!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Update please!!!

Isma...pls update your blog!!

Ok ok..alot of things happen since my last update...( of cos la kan!! Berkurun tak update, mestilah ade mcm2 citer ) .haishhh... Kene citer plahan2 and satu persatu :)

1. what happen to my spine?
Still recovering, at last i didnt went to any chiropractor. As suggested by my dad, i went for Scenar Cosmodic treatment  by efloresens bio therapy at Shah Alam. It was great! I can obviously feel the difference since the first treatment at a very affordable cost. It uses a device almost the size of a mobile phone with super canggih button on it, and the therapist will tap it on ur back according to the invisible grid that they have pre set on their report sheet. Than you'll feel vibration sensation on each of the tap and that's actually is the therapy. actually explain it in the most un medical way......haha. But how it actually work is actually this... Sila lah baca ye! Wajib!

First of all, SCENAR and COSMODIC action is focused on normalization of the disordered functions of the body. The main objective here is providing harmony and stimulating the defensive forces and latent reserves of the body. In fact, it is not the device that treats your diseases, but your own body. It only helps the body to remember how the healthy organs should work and recover.
Skin is known to be able to regulate various physiological functions of the body. Ancient doctors could manage pain and cramps, increase or decrease metabolism, accelerate or slow down the heart rhythm through irritation of various reflex areas on the skin.
The skin integuments can sense detailed information about all processes occurring in the internal organs. If you can process such information, you will have a clear picture of the state of the body. Skin can receive external information and react to irritation through mechanical action (e. g. acupuncture, massage), exposure to heat, electric current, magnetic field, biological field, laser or ultrasound. Skin can receive such information in the form of electric, optic, thermal, chemical, magnetic, mechanical and other signals, then process them and send them in encoded form to the regulating systems of the body.
Skin is interconnected with internal organs and systems of the body. Therefore, any malfunctions occurring in the organs or systems of the body also influence the skin condition. So the skin carries information about the condition of the sick organs or malfunctions of the body systems. We can influence the sick organs and malfunctions in the body from the outside through the skin, while acting upon the certain skin areas.
It is a known fact that the electrical conduction, capacity, temperature and sensitivity of the skin change when something is going wrong in the body.
Depending on the areas being irritated, body reactions upon the irritation are different. This happens because our nervous system can adjust the body functioning to the present environment the body lives in. The skin areas manifesting increased physiological activity are used for action during treatment of diseases with SCENAR-therapy.
SCENAR-COSMODIC, model EX735AgSCENAR and COSMODIC devices act upon the body with short-pulse low-frequency signals when the electrodes contact skin. Parameters of the acting signal are set automatically according to the biological feedbacks. In other words, when the electrodes touch the skin, the device receives information about the body’s state. Depending on the condition of the body the device forms and sends neuro-like impulses to the body. These impulses carry information necessary for normal functioning of the body organ or system.
So..that's it, but the essential part is you have to do the therapy as frequent as it requires until the reading is perfect...and after that just continue with it as your personal medical therapist. But the problem for me issssss, i kept missing my appointments due to my konon busy schedule...haishh.. So for now my spine is still hurt, but not that much as 5 months ago

Ok..for no 2 update will be.....Welcoming Our New Mum :) which will update later. penat dah :)